Photos are declined for any number of reasons but mostly for technical issues or the content wasn’t in line with our categories.
- Images that need to be rotated to the proper orientation.
- Entries that have embedded text or logos will not be accepted.
- Entries using Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Photos of logos
- Photos with watermarks are not accepted.
- Doesn't meet the minimum resolution requirement
- Photos that portray safety issues. Click here for examples.
You may enter as many times as you like, but you may not enter the same photo twice, even in a different category. Only one winning photo will be selected per entrant.
Since there are so many different types of cameras, check your owner's manual or search the web with your camera model and manufacturer.
Here's a helpful blog post for both Android and iPhones.
If you've entered the contest before you never need to create a new account! If you are a returning photographer to the new 2023 website, you'll use your email address instead of your user name with your current password.
Any citizen of the United States or District of Colombia may enter. If you're under 18, you'll need your parent or guardian's consent.
Photos will be reviewed between 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central Time, Monday through Friday. If you enter after hours, your entry will be posted the next business day.
Photos will be used for educational, editorial and marketing purposes for NCGA and state affiliates.
There is no entry fee.
Once your photo is submitted it becomes part of a photo library resource for the National Corn Growers Association and affiliate state organizations, and other groups NCGA approves to use. Please make sure you understand the rules when you submit your photos.
No, the same photo can only be entered once, even if you think it qualifies for more than one category.
No need to start a new account, contact Beth Musgrove to update your information.
There are two categories that votes determine the winners. Red, White and Blue and Farm Family Lifestyle. One photo across all categories with the most votes will be awarded a $500 prize.